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Calvary Lutheran Church Stayton, Oregon

Psalm 23, The Illustrated Version

Crowd-sourcing is a new catchphrase.  Crowd-sourcing for me means a grassroots, collaborative effort to accomplish a goal.  Robin Humelbaugh, who is one of Calvary’s artists, and I have been imagining how to challenge our community to illustrate Psalm 23.

Starting in July and every month following until December we are challenging people to illustrate a verse of Psalm 23 beginning with verse 1.  What picture does that verse bring to mind? What image embodies it for you?  Consider illustrating that verse with a photograph, a painting, a drawing or a digital artpiece.  

Our hope is to bring this incredibly vibrant and meaningful part of Scripture to life by reflecting each verse from these “crowd-sourced” hearts. I am anxious to see what these verses inspire you to see and create!

July’s Verse:

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.  
Psalm 23:1

Submitting your illustration

Paintings, drawings and photographs should not exceed 11x14.  They should be an original work by the one submitting the piece.  The use of the piece is at the sole discretion of Calvary and, with attribution to the artist, may be published.  If the artist wishes for a piece to be returned, please let us know at the time of submission and be sure to share your contact information. If you are able to share your submission by email please send it to